From Jen Fife-Adams, Esme's mom and book order organizer:
Hi all - Scholastic book orders will be going home with your children on Wednesday. I'll be placing two orders this month: December 4th for those who want items for the Holidays and December 23rd, for those wishing usual delivery in January. If you want items to be earmarked for gifts, pop me an email at, and I can either wrap them before placing in the cubby, or we can make separate delivery arrangements!
I love it when you order online because we get free stuff everytime you order online. Your online orders have allowed us to add some great books to the classroom library such as some Roald Dahl, E.L. Konigsburg and Rick Riordan titles. These are great books to have in the
library! For the holidays, the class will be receiving the entire Percy Jackson series and a collection of six books about mythology - that wouldn't have been possible without the online orders that have been placed. Thanks so much for your orders; they are appreciated incredibly!
If it’s your first time ordering online, use the Class Activation Code (H8KRK) to get started.
Thanks for reading!
Jen Fife-Adams, Scholastic Mom and mom to Esme (9) and Harper (5)